Friday, September 25, 2009

Jax's "busy" morning

Carolyn asked if I wanted to go on a little shopping trip with her today. In seconds I had visualized the trip...Jax crying all the way there and back...he doesn't like to travel; pushing the stroller through the mall and through racks of clothes, trying to stay out of the way; probably having to feed him in the car at some time... I offered to babysit him at their house instead. Carolyn can make the trip to the mall in peace and I can relax and either read, play games on my phone, or try to catch up on some blogging.

Of course, I was aware that Jax has decided to wake up within minutes of Carolyn leaving me with him. And that's exactly what he did...probably less that 10 minutes after she left he woke up. Luckily, there's a video monitor so I can watch him and see what's going on without having to constantly run up the stairs.

Carolyn said that sometimes he just need to burp, so I tried that and then put him back in his bead and dashed out of the room before he had a chance to even lift his head up. As soon as I got back to the office, I realized that I had left my glasses in his room...crap! Meanwhile, he had flipped over to his back and was clearly not going to fall back asleep quickly.

I watched him for a few minutes, then dashed up and retrieved my glasses. Back in the office, I could see that he had flipped back to his tummy and might try to go back to sleep. Nope, back on his back, but just looking around. At what? The fan isn't on and other than the bumper pad and Carlee's name in wooden letters above the bed, there's just the ceiling and green walls to look at. But, I guess it doesn't take that much to entertain him, because he's still looking around.
An hour later...while he's not really fussing, it's clear that he's probably not going to go to sleep. He has worked his way to the head of the bed and has his nose on the bumper pad, so I guess it's time to bring him downstairs so he can stare at new stuff.
Naturally, as soon as I decided to go get him, he turned back to his tummy, plugged in his thumb and appears to be settling down for a little nap.
What a fascinating post!